
翰林中文學校,原曉士頓西區中國教會中文學校,建校於 1991年9月。當時隸屬曉士頓西區中國教會兒童部。現今則為非營利事業機構 『翰林資源中心』所提供的社會服務團隊。

本校提供的班級包括:五歲班至青少年班, 國際青少年班,以及國際成人會話班。

每學年包含兩學期, 課程時間安排配合當地學區的行事曆。學生每學年上30堂課,每堂課為兩小時。

翰林團隊是由一群兼具愛心與經驗的老師及同工所組成. 他們樂意全心全力教導熱衷學習中文以及中華文化的學子們。


About the School


Hammerly Chinese School, formerly West Houston Chinese Church Chinese School, was established in September 1991 as a ministry of WHCC. It is now one of the services provided by Hammerly Resources, Inc., a registered non-profit organization.

Enrollment in language classes is opened to all ages from kindergarten to adults. Students are placed in classes based on age and language skill. There are K-12 classes, international youth classes, and international adult (conversational) classes.

Each school year consists of two semesters, which coincide approximately with the local school system’s academic calendar. Students attend 30 classes in a school year. Each class is two hours long.

Our experienced, caring teachers are committed to providing a challenging educational environment for our students who love to learn and who will learn to love Chinese language and culture.